Down The TBR Hole || #8 ||☕️

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💫 Hi guys, I hope you’re having a beautiful day! Today I bring you another part of our series, the book meme “Down the TBR Hole”which I’m doing hoping that it will help me to reduce the number of books that are in my current TBR. 
My plan is to upload this meme every week where. (I’m glad that now you want to see more books in this post so I decided to do 10 books per post instead of 5, not only will it be MUCH more entertaining and fun, because we’ll have more books to talk about, but I’ll also be able to clean my TBR faster which is great!) so, I’ll show you 10 books of which I’ll choose which one I’ll keep or get rid of. I want to make this weekly meme as interactive as possible, so I’ll be consulting a lot with you, to decide what to do. There will be those books which I’ll be interested in (Keep), those which I’ll not be interested in anymore (GO) and those which I’ll not be sure about, and with those, I’ll need your help. So please, let me know all your thoughts in the comments and I’ll be able to take my decision and let you know in the next post. 💫

I’m very happy because I’ve seen that you have participated a lot in the previous post, leaving me your comments, so I’m super excited to continue with this weekly meme.
If you’re doing the same meme right now, let me know so I can check your post out and leave my thoughts there 💖

Previous Posts

|| #1 || #2 || #3 || #4 || #5 || #6 || #7 ||


 💫 Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.

 💫 Order on ascending date added.

 💫 Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.

 💫 Read the synopses of the books

 💫 Decide: keep it or should it go?

☕️  Keep or Go? || Previous Week Decision ☕️ 


And I Darken (The Conqueror’s Saga #1) by Kiersten White

|| Goodreads ||

I have been reading very positive comments about this book and the reviews are quite good, so I’ll give it a chance. It scares me that it’s going to be a bit heavy but I love the author’s writing style so I hope to enjoy it. The covers are so beautiful, so I hope to like it so I can continue reading the entire trilogy

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #1 – Replica (Replica #1) by Lauren Oliver

|| Goodreads ||

I love the concept of this book and the way it’s writing, I remember when it was just released, it was quite a new thing to read two perspectives in such a unique way and even now I think it sounds really good, not only because of that but also because the plot sounds very good. It’s about this hospital called Haven that’s experimenting with replicas or human models, but one day Lyra (one of the main characters), escapes from the place along with a friend they call 72 and their paths intersect with Gemma’s (our other main character), a girl accustomed to going from hospital to hospital due to her health state, together they’ll discover secrets inside Haven, secrets that will change them both forever
This reminds me a bit of the movie “Us”, which I hate lol, but I love the idea. I think it’s very interesting so I certainly want to read it and find out what is happening in that place! 😮
If you have read the book, tell me how it’s the best way to read it? One perspective then the other one? or one chapter each? 🤔

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #2 – Sweep: Volume 1 (Wicca #1-3) by Cate Tiernan

|| Goodreads ||

This specific book is a combination of 3 books in one, which I think is a great idea and I love the colors of these covers. I just saw that the first book was released in 2001, needless to say, it’s a pretty old series, even so, I’ve heard that, although it’s pretty cliche and predictable, it’s very addictive. So I thought maybe I could save it for when I feel like reading a book about witches because that’s something I’m always willing to read about, I love witches.
I really can’t see myself removing a book like this one, I think it will be fun, maybe it has that “Charmed” vibes and I’m all about that.
The blurb sounds pretty vague so I’ll let myself be carried away by my intuition and I’ll give it a try 😊

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #3 – The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

|| Goodreads ||

I really like it a lot like this sounds, the blurb describes this book as a story of revenge and I think it has vampires so it could be very intense and dark, which I look for when I want to read a Holly’s book, but at the same time, I’m surprised to see that this is the author’s least popular book or at least is the one with the worst ratings, I read that the story is kind of rush and has an unlikeable main character. Even so, I want to give it a try I think it could be a book for the night when I want to read something more creepy. It’s also a standalone fantasy and there’s not much of these out there. So anyway, I’d like to know what you think if you’ve read it, it would be very helpful  👍🏻

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #4 – Uprooted by Naomi Novik

|| Goodreads ||

Another Standalone Fantasy!, I think it is, I’ve seen another book by the author “Spinning Silver”, but I think they’re separate stories, tell me if I’m wrong
This book sounds pretty good, it’s about a Dragon that protects a town of dark magic but asks in exchange for a young woman to serve him for 10 years, and for what I’ve read, that’s not very pleasant.
There’s a dragon in the story so I know I want to read it, but I’m not sure what kind of dragon it is, it transforms into a man? or something, maybe?
I’ve heard that it’s kind of heavy but I’ve seen many people loving it, since it was released that’s very popular, so I’ll try especially because I need more standalone novels in my life 😄

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #5 – Ruined (Ruined #1) by Amy Tintera

|| Goodreads ||

I love revenge stories and this seems to be clearly one. A while ago I was about to remove this from my TBR but then I saw a video of Riley Marie where she talk wonderful things about this book so I decided to keep it for a while and read it. Right now I’m not 100% sure if I would like it as much as her, but I know I don’t want to eliminate it, yet, I want to give it a try or maybe make another “try a chapter” tag and include it there. As always, it would be great to know what you think about it if you’ve read it  😊

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #6 – Nil (Nil #1) by Lynne Matson

|| Goodreads ||

This book sounds SO good!. I love that the story takes place on an island and that this group has to survive, the blurb says that the boys have a year to escape or they’ll die and OMG, I feel “Lost” vibes here. Also has one of my favorite tropes of the typical girl with amnesia lol, I don’t know why I love that, I have problems lol
Anyway, it sounds great, it has many 4 star reviews so it could be one that I could enjoy a lot once I read 😍

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #7 – Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop

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This is the story about a shape-shifter and a girl who sees the future through her blood sounds really unique I must say. It’s an Urban Fantasy and a long time since I don’t read something like that, I also like the fact that it’s a long series because, I still love the standalone books, but a series allows you to spend more time with the characters and if I like the book, that will be great
I’ve seen really INCREDIBLE reviews, I’m impressed that everyone seems to love this book so that makes me feel even more excited about, of course, I’ll be kept this one on my TBR and I’ll probably read it soon 👏🏻

 💫 KEEP 💫


☕️ #8 – Fire & Flood (Fire & Flood #1) by Victoria Scott

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This book is about a race across jungle, desert, ocean, and mountain, called Brimstone Bleed, and our main character will participate in it to get the cure for his brother’s illness, but to win she must survive
I think it sounds really good, although right now it’s not something that I’m interested in.
I read We Told Six Lies by the author, it’s a new release of this year, and I don’t like it a lot, the ending was great but the rest of the book was a mess so I honestly don’t feel like trying another book by her right now  👋🏻

 💫 GO 💫

Image result for the diabolic book cover

☕️ #9 – The Diabolic (The Diabolic #1) by S.J. Kincaid

|| Goodreads ||

I like the aspect of the android and the discussion about humanity but I honestly lost interest in this book a while ago and although I haven’t heard many bad things about it, is not something that I see myself reading and enjoying. I think I’ve been keeping it mostly because of the pressure to read it, you know? So I’ll say goodbye and I feel good about that 💪🏻

 💫 GO 💫


☕️ #10 – Vicious (Villains #1) by V.E. Schwab

|| Goodreads ||

In fact, I just won a copy of this book in a giveaway, which is super exciting, so I’ll probably be reading it soon. I love the stories about superpowers but even more when the characters are villains, it will be really good I can feel it, I’ve only heard amazing things about it! Tell me if you have read it and what you think about it! 💕

 💫 KEEP 💫

Books Removed in this Post: 2
Books Removed in Total: 16

Guys, I hope you enjoyed it! and you know that I want to know everything you think about all these books, so let me know in the comments!! 💕 

find me at 

Goodreads|Twitter 💕

45 thoughts on “Down The TBR Hole || #8 ||☕️

  1. Aahhh Replica! So happy you’re keeping this one, I loved it SO much! I have personally read it while alternating chapters -which has earned me some strange looks in public transportation as I turned my physical copy of the book around every now and then hahaha. I personally loved it that way, seeing each of their stories unfolding and connecting together 🙂 I hope you’ll love it! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Uprooted is Brilliant, but the synopsis makes it seem like he’s an actual Dragon when in truth he is a sorcerer who can “fly” and that’s where he gets his name from. I hope you read it soon and love it as much as i did.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Uprooted is a great book, immediately becoming a favourite when I read it. Written in red is great and so different too, even if it’s urban fantasy it constantly brings new things to the story. Would definitely recommend them both 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I definitely need to do this! Some of these books look so good – not so sure reading these is going to do my list any good, aha, but I love them. You’ve got some great books here.

    Liked by 1 person

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