Books I Want to Read But Don’t Want to Read || Book Tag 🍃

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 🍃 Hi guys, I hope you’re having an incredible month! Before starting with this incredible tag that I bring you today, I want to tell you that I’m currently reading Middlegame by Seanan McGuire and I’m loving it, but it’s VERY slow so I’ll probably finish it this weekend, to be able to bring you the review next week. 😊  On the other hand, I want to thank you for the INCREDIBLE support you have given me regarding the creation of my own Book Tag, you’ve told me such beautiful things and I’m so grateful for all of you, you always make me feel the love. I hope to see everyone doing the tag at some point! I would love it 💞 
Today I bring you a “Book Tag” called Books I Want to Read But Do Not Want to Read, and it looks really good, I mean, who hasn’t been in that position when you want to read a certain book but you’re not sure about it and you end up feeling you don’t really want to read it for some reason and you always end up finding an excuse, cause that’s actually me 😅 . I was tagged by the wonderful Azia || The Uncharted Word, she has an INCREDIBLE blog, so I recommend you to check it out, it’s so worth it!
I think it will be fun, so let’s talk about some books!! 🍃



Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

In fact, I just added this book to my Goodreads TBR because I’ve seen it lately EVERYWHERE and to be honest it’s not my kind of book, I think my old me was very fan of this type of very heavy romance novels, but right now I get a little scared, after reading The Hating Game and hating it, I have that little fear that it happens again or that this book, like other romances I’ve been seeing, are similar, you know? I probably would never have added this book to my TBR by myself, but I’ve heard SO MANY good things about, I mean, the curiosity is real, so I hope to enjoy it as much as everyone else



The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

With this book is a bit different because I actually want to read it like SO MUCH, but at the same time, I feel terrified because it is HUGE. I think that right now is the book that most intimidates me, but, I’ve heard that the story is amazing and that it has dragons and strong female characters so I hope to read it soon when I have a lot of free time and read non-stop



A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J. Maas

As you know I’ve been cleaning my TBR so I probably had older books that I’ve already removed but now this is the book that has been in my TBR for the longest time. I tried a chapter of this book and what I read I liked, so I hope to read it at some point. On the other hand, sometimes I think that maybe I will not enjoy it as much as everyone else, I’ve heard quite controversial things about this series, and that makes me nervous. Also, all the hype that has had is so crazy, so well, we’ll see how I feel about it



Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

I really feel that I NEED to read this book because it’s a GREAT classic, not only because it is, but because it’s very popular within the community. Literally, I haven’t met a single person who hasn’t read it at some point, also right now is full of re-tellings of this story and I always feel so lost when I see them, like, I don’t get it lol. I need to join the party and finally read it at some point in my life. The fact that it has more than 500 pages doesn’t help, because it’s a classic and that scares me as well, but it’s in my top 5 of classics that I need to read before I died so… Maybe I should do a post about it soon, I need recommendations!



Skyward (Skyward #1) by Brandon Sanderson

This book intimidates me a lot, but even so, I really want to read it and I know I’ll do it VERY much. It’s not only its size that intimidates me, it’s also Sci-Fi and you know I have a love-hate relationship with that genre, I usually really like stories that have technological elements, I mean that kind of sci-fi is fine, but when we’re in space or flying or that kind of thing, just don’t work for me, I always end up very bored. I hope this is the exception and I enjoy it, I’ve heard so many amazing things. It’s a book by Brandon Sanderson and that’s very exciting because I’ve always wanted to read some of his books



The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1) by R.F. Kuang

I think this book will probably be VERY amazing but at the same time, I think it will be very slow. I’ve heard wonderful things about this fantasy, so obviously I want to read it but I think I should do it hoping it will be slow so as not to be disappointed. Also maybe there’s a lot of world building and that kind of things always take time, even though I think it will be amazing and I can’t wait to read it



The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy (Montague Siblings #2) by Mackenzi Lee

The thing is that I was so excited to read this book because I adore Felicity but since I’ve had it, I never wanted to read it, for some reason, I think it will be very heavy for me and I don’t feel like going back to that world yet. I feel like I have to be in the right mood to read about travel and ships and that sort of thing. I’m not a big fan of ships, only when they’re Grisha (? Lol.) I hope to read it at some point, though, because I would feel bad if I didn’t, I enjoyed the previous book, even though I thought I wouldn’t like it, so I don’t have excuses I just have to be in the right mood for



Leah on the Offbeat (Creekwood #2) by Becky Albertalli

Lately, I’ve been thinking that maybe I’ll remove this from my TBR. You know I’m all about characters and I’ve never been a big fan of Leah, to be honest, so I feel that maybe it’s not worth reading a book about a character that I don’t care much about. I LOVE Simon, so that’s why I added it without thinking, but now I’m questioning it. If you have read it and liked it, let me know and maybe I’ll give it an opportunity.

I Tag

You know that I can only tag some people, but honestly, it would be great that everyone would do it, so if you want to, considerate yourself tagged!!

 🍃 Marie || Drizzle & Hurricane Books

 🍃 The Orangutan Librarian

 🍃 Nia || Shades 0f Paper

 🍃 Callum McLaughlin

 🍃 Rafaela || The Portuguese Bibliophile

 🍃 Angelica|| The Book Cover Girl

I hope you enjoyed it, it was actually, VERY revealing for me, kind of controversial but above, a lot of fun! 😊 

I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL weekend and enjoy your hermosos mios! 💕

find me at 

Goodreads|Twitter 💕



47 thoughts on “Books I Want to Read But Don’t Want to Read || Book Tag 🍃

  1. Another fun tag! I loved Jane Eyre, but I also have a hard time reading it when I’m not in the right mood. And I definitely feel you about Petticoats and Piracy. Even though I loved that book, I’d put it down whenever I didn’t feel like continuing…which was often!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I want to read ACOTAR sometime, too, but the hype is super scary! 😅 I read Jane Eyre at college when it was *required reading*, and I absolutely love it. I know it’s intimidating length-wise, but once you start I think it actually reads really easily, so don’t feel too intimidated! I loved this post! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I definitely am on the same page as you when it comes to Jane Eyre. I haven’t read that book and am just as lost when I see retellings or references made to that book lol.

    I’m also scared of long books! I guess it’s because I don’t have much time to read them as I used too so I stay away haha

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Priory is super intimidating, it’s just really long and the world building seems so complex? I mean, I love world buildings but with books this long, I need to take my time! And yeah, I just add Red, White & Royal Blue to my TBR because so many people has been talking about it!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You need to read Red White and Royal Blue!!! I cry about it daily!!!
    And Lady’s Guide and Leah on the Offbeat were both some of my fave books that I read last year! If you didn’t like Leah, I’d still consider giving it a chance, because it gives her character a lot more depth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I also want to read Priory of the Orange Tree but it’s so! big! 😱

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ll read it, I trust you, so I’ll read it and I hope to enjoy it as much as everyone seems to be doing it 😍
      Well, then surely I’ll be giving Leah a chance, I enjoy the writing style of the author so I hope I enjoy the whole book 😊
      I hope you’re having an incredible month, sweetie 💕


  6. Thank you so much for tagging me! SO many of these books are on my TBR and I’ve been avoiding them all since they were released! I’ve just started reading The Priory of the Orange Tree and I’m wondering how long its going to take me to finish its so massive!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thanks so much for the tag! This is so me! and there are actually some books here I really want to read here, especially Priory. Personally, I just love the ACOTAR series and really recommend it, but I can see why it would be intimidating to read. I hope you get to read some of these soon and enjoy them all!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re welcome, honey! I’m excited about your answers! 💕
      And I know, I also want to read a lot Priory, I think that although it’s massive, it will be incredible.
      And, if you recommend ACOTAR, then I’ll put it higher on my reading list, I know that many people love those books, so I hope to share thoughts 😊
      Thank you SO much! I hope you have an incredible reading month 💞

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Priory scares me too but I’ve heard a lot of people say it doesn’t seem as long as it is, which is relieving? Still intimidating though.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. This tag is my current mood. HAHA! There are SO MANY things that I want to get to but like, ugh. You have great choices, I would pick some of the same ones!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Priory scares me as well, it is definitely a chunky book but the urge is real!! I would honest say though take the plunge with Skyward, I was lucky enough to get it in a book box and whilst I’m not the biggest sci fi lover myself I pushed myself to start it and honestly flew completely through it. It ended up being on of my favourite books last year so I’d definitely recommend starting it!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Ah wow! I really loved this post of yours! I hope to hear more like this from you! Also, I had a question, would you be fine with me doing this book tag as well? Even though I wasn’t tagged? I would love to do this because it would be great for my readers and to reveal my TBR shelves.

    Anyways, I hope you have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I can so relate to this tag hahaha.. I can’t even put my finger on it, on why I don’t want to read them.. I just don’t feel like it… Argh, the struggles of readers.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re welcome!! 💕, Oh, big books have that effect, on the one hand, you die to read it, but on the other, you never want to touch them because they’re huge and scary 😂 . I’m currently reading Skyward and although it’s not my kind of genre I think it’s pretty good 😊


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