Book Review : “The Raven Cycle” Series By Maggie Stiefvater


Title : The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1)

By : Maggie Stiefvater

Published :  September 18th 2012

By: Scholastic Press

Genre : YA  – Contemporary – Mystery – Paranormal – Romance

Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.

But Gansey is different. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little.

For as long as she can remember, Blue has been told by her psychic family that she will kill her true love. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.


5 / 5 Stars


“My words are unerring tools of
destruction, and I’ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them.”



This has been amazing!

crosses by my mind right now … Why it has taken me so long to read this book? , who I’ve loved , and also I’ve felt very comfortable, dreamy and totally immersed in the course of history.

It has been my first book of Maggie Stiefvater and I can say of his writing, which are incredible , is deep, poetic and complex, like his characters.

In my opinion is a very complete book in terms of issues, we can find magical, obviously , a little love and friendship and above all a very good variety in terms of personality and personal lives of the protagonists which contributes a lot to the plot , now that I’ve finished the book I can say with certainty that I love all the Ablionby boys and Blue :).

Blue has delighted me as the only main female character among boys, I feel the pose she has taken is very authentic and she say what she thinks , and although also is sensitive and careful, you can say that is a very strong girl and I hope more about the story of his father and with respect to the love which she will be wrapped


“You are being self-pitying.”
“I’m nearly done. You don’t have much more of this to bear.”
“I like you better this way.”
“Crushed and broken,” Gansey said. “Just the way women like ’em.”

I like Gansey so much , I also feel that it is one of the most curious and original characters which I read about and that makes he call my attention. I could feel his frustration, by who he is and the family in which he was born , and the struggles to find his way and follow his own beliefs, and I really believed and felt that , which just shows how amazing the Maggie’s writing is 🙂 . And I want to emphasize as he cares for his friends, it that is amazing.


I have loved and loved Adam to death hahaha, is a very sweet and humble character, which I think is impossible not to get attached to him . The life he leads and where he lives is so hard, raw and real , I’ve suffer a lot and I felt very sorry for him, but is a survivor. It is a very strong character and I think in fact he still does not know so I hope he will find out in the next book. I hope a lot of Adam from now …. 🙂


“When Gansey was polite, it made him powerful. When Adam was polite, he was giving power away.”

I had a difficult start with Ronan, I could see how the typical tough guy who does not meet the rules and I’m fine with that, but he has come to seem annoying and irritating more than once, that also seems to have many problems with his family, which I would like to know more to understand his behavior. But in the end I can say that I like him and I could see he will be revealing in the second book and I’m excited to see how it will be. certainly I will not give up with him.


I’ve been thinking what to say about Noah, because it is a character who has given mystery to the plot, but as a person has not reached me until the end where it really surprised me, so maybe also he will surprised me at the next book 🙂 What I liked most of him is his relationship with Blue, seems to me like the sweetest


“Gansey had once told Adam that he was afraid most people didn’t know how to handle Ronan. What he meant by this was that he was worried that one day someone would fall on Ronan and cut themselves.”

So I really hope to start with the next book soon , this one has caught me , makes me dreaming and find myself in such magical places , as if it were part of history! 🙂


Repeat : first time reading a book so poetic and I’m in love with it. 😀

If you have not read this book yet because you have doubts , you have to do it, I assure you will not lose anything and hopefully you will earn something.


Title : The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2)

By : Maggie Stiefvater

Published : September 17th 2013

By: Scholastic Press

Genre : YA  – Contemporary – Mystery – Paranormal – Romance

The second installment in the all-new series from the masterful, #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater!

Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after…


4 / 5 Stars


“While I’m gone,” Gansey said, pausing, “dream me the world. Something new for every night.”

Again, I loved it !!


This story amazes me, every story that surrounds each of the protagonists is individually engaging and intriguing and will undoubtedly , makes you want to know more and more all the time of these amazing characters

You might wonder why my punctuation, well the thing is that I have taken some time and has cost me to introduce myself in the story this time, I don’t think it was the fault of the book or the writing style, which is amazing, I think it was something personal and also Ronan is not one of my favorites characters , so that may have been why it cost me in getting involve me with the story this time . BUT HEY , I’VE DONE IT :3

Anyway, so many amazing things to say about this book

I’ll start with the fact that I could see how much the characters interact between them, which has allowed me to know them and love them even more.


Second, I finally had a little spark of love toward Ronan, YES I DID !!!!! , I don’t know what was wrong between us but we have definitely solved, since the book is almost all about him , well, I had to love him or stop reading (the latter never would have happened)

Third, I completely loved Blue’s scenes with each of the boys, oh my god! My feelings … I felt tenderness, sadness, anger, love and a lot of fluttering in my stomach.


“In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them.
Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness.
Her raven boys.”

This story and the world in which it develops gives the feeling that anything can happen, which makes you keep reading all the time, I feel personally that I never have enough of these guys


“I wish you could be kissed, Jane,’ he said. ‘Because I would beg just one off you. Under all this.’ He flailed an arm toward the stars.”

The Gray Man incorporation to the story has me somewhat confused, I liked and has brought mystery and danger to the plot, but at the same time I’m not 100% sure about it. I feel there is still much to know about him .

If you have not yet started with this saga. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? .
This second book certainly leaves you wanting more, especially the end, I’m still not even sure how I feel about it.


A magic book 🙂


Title : Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3)

By : Maggie Stiefvater

Published : October 21st 2014

By: Scholastic Press

Genre : YA  – Contemporary – Mystery – Paranormal – Romance

The third installment in the all-new series from the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater!

Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs. The trick with found things, though, is how easily they can be lost.


5 / 5 Stars


“Blue,” he warned, but his voice was chaotic. This close, his throat was scented with mint and wool sweater and vinyl car seat, and Gansey, just Gansey.
She said, “I just want to pretend. I want to pretend that I could.”

This is my favorite so far, I’m in love!


“Queens and kings, Kings and queens. Blue lily, lily blue, Crowns and birds. Swords and things, Blue lily, lily blue”


I feel like a lot of things right now, I just finished the book and making a mental review of what has been, I can say that I can’t be happier and in accordance with it!

Warning Warning! : So many good lines in this book, I can become something hysterical with them in this review, to abstain!


“You can be just friends with people, you know,” Orla said. “I think it’s crazy how you’re in love with all those raven boys.”

Orla wasn’t wrong, of course. But what she didn’t realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another. Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn’t all-encompassing, that wasn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she’d had this kind, she didn’t want the other.”

Speaking of the book in general was very interesting, with a lot of mystery, as always, and especially full of love, friendship and revelations!


I liked the addition of new characters, especially a special mention for Jessie Dentley, who seemed to me the best !, is a character for which I am very fond of and the dialogue with Blue were the best! 🙂


“It kills Dittleys and does terrible things to my friend.”
“That’s not his fault. Why didn’t you say you could see him?”
“But I’m not dead.”

I can’t stand it, I have to talk about my loversBlue and Gansey! , This relationship is growing so much that drive me crazy, I found the sweetest moments , their dialogues leave me pining, every time I finished reading a chapter about them and their relationship I needed to read another immediately … I really hope to see more and more of this in the end, I have both expectant and nervous about what will to happen, so we’ll see.


“Don’t tell the others,” Gansey said.

“I’m dead,” Noah replied, “not stupid.”

PS: One of the things I love most about this relationship is that it manages to catch you and fall in love without being cloying at all, is in the perfect dose and that is merit of Maggie’s incredible script ! .


And I can’t not overemphasize the relationship in this book between Ronan and Adam, I’m surprised about this, but they catch me with its mysterious and private moments, die of love !. At first I confess that took me by surprise and I was like WTF, LOL but then I couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening. Very clever scenes and dialogues between them!.


“I know when I’m awake and when I’m asleep,” Ronan Lynch said.
Adam Parrish, curled over himself in a pair of battered, greasy coveralls, asked, “Do you?”
“Maybe I dreamt you,” he said.
“Thanks for the straight teeth, then,” Adam replied.”

Incorporating the point of view of Greenmantle and his wife seemed to me the best, because we can know the characters of better way . Piper surprised me!, a character who start to being a very secondary to have much involvement in the plot, and I liked it.
While Colin has left me a bittersweet feeling, it is that I expected a lot more, but still is not the end so it can be more about.

The end only makes me want to grab the next book even more !. It scares me what happens from now on but I have to be strong and go for it, I hope all ends well for my boys, it is that I never believed be so in love with this characters 🙂


“I’m glad you misdialed.”

“Well. Easy mistake to make,” she said. Might do it again.” A very, very long pause. She opened her mouth to fill it, then changed her mind and didn’t. She was shivering again, even though she wasn’t cold with the pillow on her legs.

“Shouldn’t,” Gansey said finally. “But I hope you do.”



Title : The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4)

By : Maggie Stiefvater

Published : April 26th 2016

By: Scholastic Press

Genre : YA  – Contemporary – Mystery – Paranormal – Romance

The fourth and final installment in the spellbinding series from the irrepressible, #1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.

All her life, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love’s death. She doesn’t believe in true love and never thought this would be a problem, but as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.


5 /5 Stars


“What a strange constellation they all were.”

This trip has been fascinating.


Probably not say everything I think and feel about this saga in this review, not because I don’t want if not to be as briefly as possible because my feelings may be somewhat extensive hahaha 🙂

I have to thank a thousand times to people who recommended me this saga nauseum, because thanks to them I’ve come across a magical world with characters who I’ll always love.


“He was a book, and he was holding his final pages, and he wanted to get to the end to find out how it went, and he didn’t want it to be over.”

I know I said that the previous book was my favorite, but this has been close to get snatching its position more than once!.

The saga has grown tremendously, both the characters and the plot has become much darker , I can assure you is the book with more mystery and even dare I say sinister of the saga. When I say that it was a sinister book, seriously guys, I really mean , it has scary parts, almost died in many of them.

All through my reading I thought, He did WHAT? , She’s WHAT? …. All the surprises that this book has given me is beyond description, I don’t want to spoiler , but it’s just amazing. YOU READ IT!


The thing is , that the characters remain without disappointing, are incredibly unique and have their personalities so well defined that I feel as if I really knew them and that is something that happens to you rarely when you’re reading a book, is a magical experience 🙂

Blue, is still amazing, she is dynamite and I love as she included herself in the group of boys as well, she has managed to be present in each of the thoughts of the boys , personally love her from the beginning and I continue with the same feelings, she is so brave and determined. The Blue’s revelations in this book left me speechless !!. And along with Gansey are the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen YAY! : D


“I don’t care to be pretty,” Blue shot back hotly, “I care to look on the outside like I look on the inside.”

Gansey made me suffer so much, it’s my love … I have so much to say and yet I feel I can not find the right words, but in summary is the character who most I’ll gonna miss since I had never read before on such an interesting and unique personality as he has, he is simply amazing !! 3 #TeamGanseyforeveeeeeeer: D


“He was a king. This was the year he was going to die.”

Ronan WOW my thoughts toward him have changed so much, I can say today with certainty that I love to Ronan and I will miss him. Yes guys, the miracle has arrived and this guy gave me the best moments of this book and I’ve enjoy him alot!!


“And here was Ronan, like a heart attack that never stopped.”

Adam my child, I’m so proud of him, and how he has finished his story, I always have protective sense toward Adam but has surprised me and today I can say he do not need anyone to protect him .In addition Adam and Ronan have cast me feeling too much , for a moment I was so surprised at what was going on I had to put down the book and take a break, seriously, Who characters more passionate!, unexpected and amazing 🙂


“Need was Adam’s baseline, his resting pulse. Love was a privilege. Adam was privileged; he did not want to give it up. He wanted to remember again and again how it felt.”

Noah my ghost boy , this character, He is not be there forever , I think it is in the moments where he should be, and really made me die of fright more than once, Noah was to become very creepy, but I want it as much as always, I especially love their friendship with Blue is the most beautiful 🙂


I’m sad because it’s over and although I feel I could read one more book about them, I also think it is a very beautiful and simple end, it has everything you need to make you feel full, and that is what this series has cast me feeling COMPLETE, HAPPY, IN LOVE and MAGIC :D.


“It’ll be OK. I’m ready. Blue, kiss me.”


Highly recommended if you want to enter an addictive and unique world, this is like nothing you have read I assure you 😀

I invite you to leave your comment below, I would love to know what you think!

Thanks for passing by!

You can also find me at Goodreads and Twitter 🙂

8 thoughts on “Book Review : “The Raven Cycle” Series By Maggie Stiefvater

  1. […] ☕️ Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) by Maggie Stiefvater: This is the third book in The Raven Cycle series, and it’s so AMAZING, OMG, I miss the characters a lot and thinking about this book makes me very happy, without doubt, the best of the quartet. Many things happen in this book, things that we all expected and the main plot begins to take shape. I highly recommend this series if you haven’t read it yet (MY REVIEW) […]


  2. […] ☕️ The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater : This quartet is really good, I love this story and I find it super original is nothing that I’ve read or heard about before. Blue’s a great female character and I love how she interacts with the Raven Boys during the books. My undisputed favorite is Blue, Lily, Lily Blue !. In that book everything that must happen happens, the personal stories are developed beautifully, also the romances, and also the plot advances a lot. I think this series can be a bit confusing, so I think that either you love it or hate it, I don’t think there are gray spaces with these books. As I said in my review this book is deep, poetic and complex, and I still think that. I hope you decide to give it an opportunity if you haven’t done it yet, because in addition to having a fascinating plot we also have a great diversity and couples to die for. || My Series Review || […]


  3. […]  💫 The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater || “There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve,” Neeve said. “Either you’re his true love . . . or you killed him.” It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive. Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble. But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little. For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore. […]


  4. […]  📝  Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater || Oh god, My soul told me that I wouldn’t forgive myself if I burned this one, so I’ll choose to rewrite it, although it’s my favorite book in the series, I could add a little more magical and whimsical moments, since I feel that maybe it focuses more on the character, which I love, but I have to choose some reason and I think that makes sense. […]


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