Discussion Post: Reading Slumps | How This Affects My Reading Habits & My Tips to Overcome This Mental State šŸ“

Ā āš”ļøĀ Hi guys, I hope youā€™re having an AMAZING day, full of good readings!Ā šŸ’ž Today I bring youĀ another discussion post!Ā (super excited), Itā€™s something that really makes me happy to have started doing this year andĀ I donā€™t want to start without thanking you for the support you have given me in my previous posts, it means the world to me.Ā So, I love checking out this type of posts around the blogosphere, so I think it could be fun to start writing them myself and share with you so we can all talk about different topicsĀ related to the literary world, books & blogging.Ā 

Today I want to bring you a super important discussion all about Reading Slumps. Lately, especially in the last 2 months, I’ve seen many of my book blogger friends going through this situation and other community reading members as well, I think it probably has a little to do with everything that’s happening in the world right now, but I also think that it’s a mental state that’s quite normal to come at these times when we are in the middle of the year and you know, things begin to come to us, all the stress and worries finally reach us and suddenly we’re full into this slumpy mood, where it can be difficult to get out of. So I thought it was a good idea to talk a little bit about it, since I think that sharing our experiences can be a very healthy way to begin to heal and finally come out of this state, so besides telling you a little about my personal experiences, I’ve also want to share with you my top tips that have helped me in the past to overcome reading slumps and do a little reflection on how my ways of dealing with it has changed over time. I sincerely hope that this post can be of help to you right now & that you can come back to it at any time where you’re feeling down.ā¤ļøĀ 

If you want to check more of my discussion posts, here they are: The first is all aboutĀ Book Reviews,Ā the second is all aboutĀ The Meaning of being an International Book Blogger, the third one is all about Rating Systems & last but not least we talk about The Pressure of Blogging.
I LOVE you,Ā THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, for the supportĀ šŸ˜Š, I donā€™t want to stop saying it,Ā I feel honored to you to be in my life and that you allow me to be in a piece of yours.Ā So without further ado,Ā letā€™s get started! & I hope you enjoy it āš”ļø


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The terrible reading slumps can happen to literally all of us and unfortunately many times, sometimes they last a few days but sometimes it can last up to months. So what is this? and why does it happen? Personally, I think that due to many factors, in my case I’m only there one day trying to read my books and nothing seems to be right, you know? And that’s when I realize that something is happening. For many, on the other hand, it may come from external factors, perhaps you’re dealing with a lot at that time, perhaps personal problems that come to you and overwhelm you, or perhaps the pressure itself to read everything or meet each one of your goals makes your brain say, “No, you definitely need a break”
Be that as it may, and wherever it comes from, I’m sure that most of us have experienced it, especially if you work or do something related to literature/reading world, cause that comes with extra pressure to “have” to read everything.

In this post I want to tell you a bit about my experiences, and how over time I’ve achieved some “techniques” or “behaviors” to get out of this mental state and return to being myself, but first I want to start by sharing with you my experiences in the past and right now.
I’ve go through several reading slumps, but they’re usually, although intense, quite short in general, maybe I’m in that way for a couple of weeks at most. The first time I dealt with this I had no idea that there was even a word for that feeling, and at that time I still didn’t have the blog, so for some reason, it happened quite unnoticed for me, I just stopped reading and I go through it letting myself be carried away by my feelings and emotions. Did I get frustrated? I would say that at that time, not really, because I didn’t have any kind of external or internal factor that told me that something bad was happening, I used to read very little, so I almost didn’t notice it and when I returned to normal I grabbed my book and everything was fine.
Now things are a little different, I have my blog and here I speak about books, so not being in the mood to read can be very frustrating, because if you don’t read you don’t have anything to talk about, right? And you end up having a very stressful time thinking what’s happening with you? and what’s wrong with you? Or I’ve even thought that maybe I was losing my passion for reading, which scared me a lot, I must confess. In those moments I really didn’t know what to do, and it’s really sad when you’re a reader and that makes you happy and suddenly it seems that your body decides that it no longer wants to do what you love, isn’t interested in it anymore and you end up battling it, which was my first mistake.
I’ll talk more about my tips below, but guys, NEVER battle your reading slump, that only makes it worse and don’t force yourself to continue with your normal daily reading habits, that won’t work either and you will end up feeling even worse about yourself.

So, when I went back to going through this, and I was going crazy about it, I decided to continue with my normal habits and obviously that didn’t work, so I started doing my research and saw other posts and other bloggers gave advice on what to do in this situation and that what had really worked for them and what didn’t. And that’s when I started to implement certain techniques, some of which I got from other readers and others that I perfected over time, to stop punishing myself for being in that state and to begin to understand what was that really happening to me and dealing with it in the most healthy way. You have to keep in mind that although it’s full of techniques out there and tips to follow, not all will work for you and that’s fine, the idea is to try some until you find the one that resonates best with you.
I know that maybe all this of reading slump thing, it sounds extra-dramatic, but I know from experience and listening to other blogging friends that it can be a very stressful time and you know as I always say, mental health comes first, that’s why I wanted to write this post in the first place. It’s not just about talking about how horrible it’s not being able to pick up a book in months, but about how therapeutic and healthy it can be to just talk about that, get it off your chest
& also I really want to give you some tools so that this is not a problem in your life anymore but an opportunity, which sounds crazy, I know, but I promise you that you can change your perspective and go from a chaotic and confused state of mind to a state of peace and harmony with yourself.

So in summary, June was a pretty stressful month for me, all about the quarantine came to me very hard and also this “new reality” is too much for me, I think it’s a time of adaptability, you know? and it seems that my brain clicked and suddenly nothing of what I had planned to read worked for me, I tried to change and do some of my techniques and I ended up reading 6 books that month despite and accompanied by my reading slump, which is pretty great, obviously. I hope you can overcome your readings slumps too or just deal with it in the best way, don’t worry, that’s why I’m here! to help you… so prepare yourself a coffee, get comfortable and stay with me while I share some magic tips with you.


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šŸ“ #1 – Accept it & Be Okay About it

Guys, the most important thing to do at that time when you realize that you’re going through a reading slump, is to actually accept what you’re going through and it’s fine. Open yourself to understand that this is happening for some reason, and instead of struggling with it or punishing yourself for how you feel, you should sit down for a second and check your thoughts. If you don’t get friendly with the idea that you’re going through a reading slump, then all the time you’ll try to ignore it or just continue with your normal reading activities, and that will only make you feel more and more frustrated, which I don’t want to happen t you. So, you accept it and you have to know that it’s okay to go through this. Sometimes our brain reacts in certain ways to stress or tension, reading slump is just one of those ways where your mind is asking you for something, maybe a break or maybe a bit of peace and relaxation. Instead of ignoring that and continuing to put all that stress on yourself, listen to it, listen to your body and enter that state of acceptance, and know that it’s an opportunity to put aside everything you were doing and re-encounter with yourself. and maybe create or adopt other activities until you feel like reading again.
This isn’t a race, you have to understand and make this true: If you don’t feel like reading, then don’t do it.
This community is extraordinary, but when you enter into a constant competition to see who reads the most, then it stops being positive and begins to be a problem that only you can change. The important thing is to enjoy the experience reading, my love, if you force yourself because you feel that you have the “obligation” to continue with your routine or to follow your TBR, then you have to rethink whether this is really healthy and good for you right now, you know?
Just stop for a second and listen, if the answer is a reading slump, then take it as an opportunity to take a break or maybe try new things. It’s okay not to want to read, that doesn’t make you less of a reader.


šŸ“ #2 – Change your Reading Habits

If you’re going through a reading slump and what you want is to change that mental state in which you find yourself, well, after accepting it and being at peace with it, you have to see what things you’re used to doing in your reading routine. Take notes of each step, of each book and of each small habit that you’ve adopted as your own and unique, because we’ll give it a shake and we’ll change some things.

šŸŒ™Ā Re-read a Favorite Book

I’m sure you’ve already heard this tip because it’s super effective, and it has worked with me on several occasions, so I can’t stop recommending you to return to your comfort zone, if there’s a book that’s your favorite and makes you feel good inside, then give it another chance and relive all those wonderful emotions. That will give you a special motivation to want to continue reading, and you’ll also forget a little that you’re going through that reading slump and instead focus all your attention on enjoying and living that incredible story you love all over again.

šŸŒ™ Read a Short Novel, a Graphic Novel, or an Audiobook

If you’re going through a reading slump, but still want to read something, I highly recommend that you change the format, sometimes a long reading or a dense book can be quite a challenge when you’re in this state, so a format change can make you feel more comfortable, you may feel more motivated to read or it may simply make the process easier and more enjoyable. An audiobook can be a great way to go through your reading in a way that you can do other things while listening to it and you don’t have to be 100% focused on the reading itself, a graphic novel can make reading much easier to read and fast-paced, also the graphics make the experience lighter and more fun, surely it will seem much easier to you also for the huge amount of dialogues that contain & last but not least effective, I recommend a lot of short novels or even anthologies, focusing on a simpler and shorter story that doesn’t have such complexity in itself can be something super positive to try while you’re going through a slump. Don’t push yourself anyway, if you’re not feeling any of these things, that’s fine!

šŸŒ™ Set Easy Goals to Achieve

This is pretty self-explanatory, but I think it’s a great way to get past your reading slump and fool your brain a little bit in the reading process. Set reading goals that are easy for you, like reading 20 pages that day, for example, or trying to read 2 chapters of your book, or listening to X percent of your audiobook, even finishing a short graphic novel. Whatever you choose, I want to feel easy to reach for you, so in this way, it will feel super good once you achieve it and so you can increase your goals until your state returns to normal. You will see that it will make you feel much more motivated, you can even try this in all areas of your daily life!

šŸŒ™ Try a Different Genre

There’s nothing better than being surprised with a new genre of reading, even with some sub-genre that you generally don’t read or perhaps a genre of your favorites that you haven’t tried for a long time. This will give you a new renewal vibe, which is great because when you’re going through a reading slump what you want the most is to feel refreshed and this is one of the best options to feel this way. For example, I choose contemporaries when I feel slumpy because I usually read a lot of fantasy and mystery, so I give my brain something more light-hearted and it usually loves it lol. So I highly recommend a genre change


šŸ“ #3 – Self-Care & Inspiration

If you’re going through a reading slump, what will help you the most is to focus on yourself and what you want and like to do, even when that has nothing to do with reading. Spoil yourself, love yourself a little, take a relaxing bath, you can do a recipe that you like, take a walk, exercised, meditates, watches some movies and series, whatever your choice is doing, do it for you and because you just feel good doing it. Sometimes the best way to return to your state when you love and enjoy reading is not reading at all and letting yourself be carried away by this state in which you’re going through. I’m absolutely sure that this comes to you cause you need to relax and take care of yourself, sometimes we want to do it all or in this case, read it all and we forget that the most important thing is to feel good while we do it, that’s why we must return to that state, and nothing better than doing things you love, for the simple fact of doing them.
Take this type in addition to taking care of yourself, also to inspire you. You can watch youtube videos, take a class, learn a new language, or even surround yourself with books even when you’re not the one reading them. For example, you can blog hopping, that always gives me a good mood, also seeing Booktubers reading makes me feel super motivated to read myself, so I highly recommend it.
What I want to tell you here is that you can stay inspired and have a positive energy about reading even when you aren’t doing it yourself, surround yourself with books and enjoy seeing other people reading, it’s really a beautiful feeling.
If you have a blog like me, take this time to change some things, prepare your space, which will give you beautiful energy that will return you to your roots, which is super positive.
Only do things that feel good for you and give yourself time: time to do nothing AT ALL, because that’s also productive and restorative.

My love, reading slump doesn’t last forever, I promise so don’t feel insecure or afraid because you think you’ll never read again, YOU WILL, take it easy and don’t be hard on yourself. Take and see this time as an opportunity to take a break from your normal activities and do something new, something that feels good and right for you. Stay positive, we all go through this and we all survive, the important thing is to know how to take care of yourself and give yourself the space you need when you need it. Your love of reading is there intact and will return faster than you think.Ā šŸ„°Ā 


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Credits for the source of the original imageĀ HERE

Thank you SO much in advance for reading this and I hope you liked it & thank you, as well, for all the support and love!Ā ā¤ļø

I Love You Ily GIF

šŸŒæ Now, is the time to Chat!: Have you experienced a reading slump? | What would you recommend to get out of this mental state? | Let me know all your experiences & Tips, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be of great help to all who read it šŸŒæ

Feel free to leave your comment below, I always love to know what you think

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73 thoughts on “Discussion Post: Reading Slumps | How This Affects My Reading Habits & My Tips to Overcome This Mental State šŸ“

  1. Such an excellent post! It scares me when I lose passion for reading as well, but at the same time I know that it doesn’t help to fight it (and usually makes it worse- especially when I get stuck on a particular book). These are such great tips! I particularly agree about changing up genres- that helps me the most. Especially if I’m not feeling certain kinds of books (since the pandemic began, I’ve barely been able to read fantasy for some reason- but I’ve found that accepting that and reading other genres, some of which I usually don’t read much of like thrillers and non fic, I’ve found it easier to avoid falling into a full on slump). I also agree with setting smaller goals and reading something short- it just helps me to be able to tick a box on having read a book, so I can tell myself I’m still reading, even if it’s at a slower pace than normal (it’s like tricking my brain into not thinking it’s in a slump, when I know full well it’s a slump!)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you SO much, I’m glad you like the post! ā¤ļø & Totally, that feeling of not having motivation to read can be overwhelming. I love that you accepted you didn’t felt like reading fantasy and given the chance to other genres, that’s great! especially since you didn’t get stuck in that feeling. šŸ˜Š
      I agree 100% with you, I think the trick is to actually trick the brain into thinking that nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
      I hope you’re having a great month šŸ„°āœØ


  2. GREAT post! I tend to re-read or change genre when I have a bit of a slump and I’ve had a few since March. I also find that I listen to more audiobooks when it’s a bad slump or I’m just to stressed to sit and relax with a book. As I said – great post and I love learning what helps others out of a slump.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m SO glad you like the post, Jules! ā¤ļø I’m glad that changing genres and rereading are helpful to you! I’m on my mission to listen to more audiobooks this year, so I’ll try one this month, I think it will be a good idea šŸ„°āœØ

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This happens to me too, but rarely, I’m glad to say. I think changing genres is a good idea, and also just don’t worry about it and let it be. It won’t last and that’s the important thing to remember. It really will not last. thanks Sofii for the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m SO glad this doesn’t happen to you so often, that’s great! Changing genres is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to beat reading slumps & not worrying about is magic, I think putting too much energy in that negative state is super counterproductive. Thanks to you for stopping by šŸ„°āœØ


  4. Great post, something that affects all of us bookworms!

    Slumps are just the worst aren’t they! I feel really guilty that I’m not reading and that just adds to it! Normally I used to either reread an old fave or binge watch a TV show but now I find if I just give myself time with no force, I know when I am ready!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ahh this was such a great discussion post and it came at absolutely the perfect timeā€”I’m in a bit of a reading slump right now and it is HARD šŸ˜… it’s important, like you said, to take time for yourself! I guess I always feel pressure to be reading ALL THE TIME because, you know, I’m a BOOK BLOGGER. But I have a lot going on this month, so it’s okay if I don’t do a lot of reading. There is no need to force it. Thank you for writing this post & making me feel so much better about the state I’m in right now šŸ„°

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, sweetie! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m so sorry you’re going through this state right now. šŸ„ŗ
      I know that soon it will be better and I agree 100% with your thinking, there’s no need to force anything and you’ll return to normal very soon, meanwhile spend time with yourself and do things that you enjoy outside of reading.
      I know it can be stressful because we’re book bloggers but I think the best idea is to take it easy and if you read 1 book in the whole month, it’s still wonderful! šŸ‘šŸ»āœØ
      It makes me feel SO happy to know that I can help and support you in some way through the post, it’s amazing.šŸ˜­
      I wish you the best month ā¤ļøā¤ļø

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent post Sofii! I am rarely in a reading slump fortunately. Recently I am rather in a blogging slump or more, a lazy slump where I just want to read and be on IG but not blog a lot.
    When I have been in a reading slump (unusual as I said) I reread a favorite or indeed took a break!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that you like the post! ā¤ļø I’m glad this is something that doesn’t happen to you much. I think it’s the same with blogging slumps, it sucks, but the best thing is to let it be and soon that passion that you always put in your content will return, I’m sure šŸ„°


  7. Sofi, I loved this! ā¤ļø
    I’ve been very slumpy recently so this felt really relatable. I love your steps to get out of a slump. I agree with the self care one (even if I’m terrible at self love), I’ve been watching more tv/movies because it’s been easier to focus on instead of reading a book! I’m hoping to get back into my reading groove soon, and I hope you get yours back soon too! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, it makes me happy that you like it, love!! ā¤ļø
      I’m SO sorry you’re feeling slumpy. Don’t worry, self-love is a habit, if you do little things for yourself every day, you’ll see how your perspective will change & also, you’re a wonderful person so you deserve to love yourself!! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
      Take care of yourself, beautiful, you’ll soon return to your normal state and in the meantime enjoy watching TV and movies, it’s one of my favorite things to do when I’m going through a reading slump šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ»āœØ

      Liked by 1 person

      • Of course I liked it! ā¤ļø
        Sofi, you have no idea how much your comment means to me. Iā€™ve been going through a really tough time and this just made my heart swell ā¤ļøšŸ˜­
        I hope to return to my normal self soon; I canā€™t wait to read all the books again!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve actually just been in a reading slump thanks to Renegades by Marissa Meyer (I mean who would have thought that?!). šŸ˜‚ Now, I started a new book, read ~20 pages and didn’t continue so all of your tips were very helpful!! ā­ā­

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, lovely, I’m SO sorry you’re going through a reading slump right now! I’m glad I came up with this discussion right now, I hope it really helps in some way šŸ„ŗāœØ and in the meantime, don’t worry, enjoy your time doing things you love and you’ll soon return to the reading world ā¤ļø

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  9. Last year I went through a pretty big reading slump .. I think I just got burned out a little. This year, I find myself not reading as much .. Iā€™m kind of (trying) balancing between watching all the shows and reading all the books. Shows won out for a little while. And then I realized that it was just too much screen time on top of what I already do for work. So Iā€™m back now to reading more, thank goodness.
    I definitely agree about changing up the habit or rereading a favorite ā€“ those both helped me a lot with slumps. Always interesting to talk about this! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Great advice, Sofii! I hit a major reading slump last year and the first thing I had to do was stop forcing myself to read and just accept that I wasn’t in the mood. After that, I started to do things a bit differently to finesse the situation. Changing up reading habits helps SO much. Reading a different genre especially and reading less/reading slower. Stepping away from reading/blogging helped a lot too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, beautiful! ā¤ļø It sounds like such a simple first step, but it can be really challenging not to force yourself to continue reading, right? but I think it’s super important and I’m glad you put yourself in that place. šŸ˜Š OMG, EVERYTHING you mention is key! changing reading habits can make a huge difference šŸ˜āœØšŸ‘šŸ»

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Sometimes just having some designated reading time where I just read for 30 minutes no matter what helps me get through the slump but slumps really are hard to escape sometimes. I always try to read for that 30 minutes in the morning over a coffee before I start work.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Can be quite a challenge, right! I’m glad you got into the habit of reading in the morning, I love reading with my coffee, and I think it’s a great way to get on with the reading without too much pressure šŸ˜ŠāœØšŸ‘šŸ»


  12. great post, Sofi!! i’m so thankful that I don’t really get into reading slumps. back when i was easing myself back into reading, i was feeling slumpy ALL the time, but i think i gradually trained myself to read regularly šŸ˜… plus, i’ve gotten so much better at picking books i’ll like, or at least won’t put me in a slump. when i do experience one occasionally though, the trick that best works for me is to read a book that catches my interest & i’ll probably fly through in no time! usually this isn’t fantasy, but sometimes it is. i just go through my ebook library, read through the first few chapters of a couple books that interest, and stick with the book whose first few pages spoke to me the most! after i finish that book, i’ve most likely got my reading mojo back!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, sweetie! ā¤ļø I’m happy that you like the post. I’m so glad that you don’t fall often in reading slumps, that’s super positive, also knowing your tastes in reading and being good at choosing books is wonderful, it makes a big difference. šŸ‘šŸ»āœØ I LOVE that technique, I also think reading some pages of some books is a great idea when you’re slumpy. I’ll try it next time šŸ„°šŸ„°

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  13. I’m currently going through a mini-slump. It’s not reading in general, more so fantasy. There’s a comedy fantasy series I can blast through, but just not finding the motivation to pick any other fantasy up

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  14. Thanks for this amazing post. I’ve been in and out of slumps all year and it’s such a drag. Usually changing up genres will help but sometimes even that isn’t enough and I just need to take a mini-break before trying again and that does the trick most times. Great tips!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it! ā¤ļø I’m so sorry you’re going through a reading slump, it’s really exhausting to be long periods of time in that state, but I think without a doubt, taking a break is a great option and perhaps entertain yourself doing other things that you enjoy. I’m sure you will feel much better soon šŸ„ŗāœØ

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  15. This is a brilliant post, Sofi! I had a bit of a reading slump in May where I just wasn’t enjoying any books. I usually find that reading YA contemporary helps a lot during a slump, as they are easy, engaging stories to connect with.

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  16. Great post!! I go through reading slumps so often now that when it happens I see it as a minor inconvenience rather than the end of the world šŸ˜… It’s like my brain is telling me that it’s had enough for now and wants to do something different, so I’m not going to force myself to read when I don’t want to because I’ll ruin a good book if I force myself.

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    • Thank you SO much, Louise!! Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry that you go through these states so regularly, but I love your point of view, I think your brain is definitly saying something to you and you better listen! šŸ˜…ā¤ļø & no doubt, don’t force yourself, I think it’s time to do other things that you enjoy and soon you will return to your normal self šŸ„ŗāœØšŸŒ»


  17. Wonderful and insightful as always, Sofii! Personally, my slumps are 2 weeks max recently because a. I trained myself to read a lot with audiobooks and b. I don’t have that much to fill the silence with and I feel like I’m going crazy without anything on my mind for a longer time.

    But I use the slump time to try to do some things I may neglect when I’m too focused on reading like blogging, blog hopping, or even watching things.

    I guess the most common reason for slumps for me would be either ‘I don’t know what I’m in a mood for so I won’t pick up anything’ or ‘I have so many stories in my head I need a change.’ Sometimes you just need to do other things, just for the variety. Reading is not our whole personality šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you SO much! I’m glad you like the post. ā¤ļø I love that you usually listen to audiobooks, I’m just beginning in the audiobooks world, but I already have a list to try more.
      I think it’s great that during the slump you decide to focus on other things, I think it’s super positive and a productive way of looking at it! āœØšŸ‘šŸ»
      Totally, reading is not our whole life, I agree šŸ˜Š

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ohh, if you beginning with audiobooks have you tried Radio Silence yet? I know it’s your fav and it has an AMAZING audiobook! (Also, if you want some tips I have two posts about getting into audiobooks so just say a word and I’ll link them :))

        Liked by 1 person

  18. I like this. I think audiobooks are a great way to break things up a bit, and short stories. After reading something really heavy (because I like horror and true crime) I’ll do an audiobook of something light like a YA novel.

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  19. This is an excellent discussion! I donā€™t fall into reading slumps that often, but Iā€™ve found that rereading a favorite book is a really great way to come out of one.

    Also, I just discovered your blog, and itā€™s really amazing. Happy reading šŸ’•

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Great post! I loved reading it, especially because I have been in an on-going reading slump for months now. Itā€™s nice seeing your tips. šŸ™‚ I think the guilt of not reading is what bothers me the most and then also makes the slump even worse. Sometimes just accepting it is a good thing. I need to learn acceptance when it comes to reading slumps, haha.

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    • Thank you SO much, Ashley, you’re very sweet. I’m happy that you enjoyed reading the post, I love doing them! ā¤ļøāœØ
      I know, right? I understand 100% that feeling, I’ve been there and that guilt is the worst, but I’m sure that if you relax and let it be, soon you’ll feel better šŸ˜Š

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  21. Reading slumps suck so much, I was in a bad reading slump since the end of March and my reading and overall week being suffered because of it, I wanted to read but I just couldnā€™t bring myself to do it and it was making me feel horrible, u had made some commitments and I failed to live up to them which also made me feel very shitty, the monotony of the lockdown got to be but I am feeling better now.

    The tips you shared are really helpful and thoughtful and I love that they are focused on wellness

    Iā€™m sorry that you had a stressful June and I hope you have a better July

    Happy Reading šŸ’•

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    • Oh, lovely! I’m SO sorry you have been through this state, it’s super annoying and I think that quarantine and everything that’s happening in the world can make it happen more often, so remember don’t be hard on yourself, take care and do just what you want to, I know with certainty that you’ll return to your natural state and you’ll be able to enjoy your readings even more. ā¤ļøāœØ

      Thank you SO much!! šŸ„ŗ It makes me happy that you like my tips & I’m already feeling more optimistic about my month šŸ„°

      I hope you’re having the most beautiful month šŸ˜ŠšŸŒ»

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  22. I’ve been stuck in a reading slump after such a great month of reading in June and it’s not the best feeling to have, especially when stuck at home with nothing else to do. I hate how slumps make me feel unproductive but I guess to get over it, acceptance is the key. I have recently realized that forcing myself to read makes a slump worse so I’m taking it easy now, only picking up a book whenever I really feel like it. Also, I agree that changing the reading habits is very helpful. Reading a lot of consecutive fantasy stories can burn me out so I find picking up light contemporary reads in between is game-changing. This discussion post is so much fun to read and is super helpful, especially during this time! I hope you take care, and have a great week! šŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m SO sorry you’re going through a reading slump right now, I know how stressful it can be, but I’m glad you decide to take it easy and not force it, that’s wonderful and I’m sure you’ll be back to your usual reading routine soon! šŸ„°
      I highly recommend some graphic novels if you like them, as well or maybe short novels, is a great way to feel more productive. šŸ˜Š
      I’m so glad that you liked the post and that it was useful in some way, that means the world to me. Thank you SO much and have a beautiful day, sweetie ā¤ļø

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  23. I’ve been having a lot reading slumps this year and it’s not fun. One thing that always work for me is taking a break from books and changing the format. I always try to find short books, short stories and graphic novels I can read and have access to for my reading slump times. Graphic novels especially work well in beating the slump!

    If I’m currently reading a book when the slump comes then taking a short break plus setting a goal of reading one chapter a day sometimes would do the trick for me šŸ˜Š

    Thank you for writing and sharing this post with us! I agree that with how everything’s going on at the moment it’s easy for people to get stressed about things which then will lead them to start losing interest in activities that make them happy, which in our case, reading books!

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